Erol Bulut signs two year contract extension

Last updated : 09 June 2024 By Michael Morris

Erol Bulut has signed a two year contract extention taking his current deal up until the Summer of 2026.


The uncertainty of the last few weeks can now be put to one side and the manager can start to plan for the new season. Although not confirmed it seems Bulut will also be looking to add to his coaching staff as he aims to improve on last season.

“I’m very proud and happy to be extending my time with you all here in the capital city of Wales," Bulut told thew official website.

“I want to thank Tan Sri Vincent for putting his trust in me to lead our Club into the future; it is my pleasure to be doing so and I appreciate having been offered this fantastic opportunity.

“My thanks also to Mehmet Dalman and Ken Choo for their support, as well as the Cardiff City supporters who have made the journey up to this point so enjoyable and memorable.

“It is a privilege to be part of your family.”

Owner Vincent Tan said: “What was clear under Erol’s management last season was that we were making progress and showing improvement. I believe he has laid some strong foundations on which he will build.

“I wish Erol, his staff and squad the very best of luck ahead of the new season. They have my full support and good wishes.”