Hammam deadline. Administration looms

Last updated : 22 December 2006 By Michael Morris
The very existence of the club is under threat.

In October it was announced that Sam Hammam was stepping down as he had taken Cardiff City as far as he could. Peter Ridsdale took control and new investment was lined up and the future looked bright for Cardiff City.

Hammam's exact words were

"The only thing in my mind was to do what is best for the fans and the club. I have agreed for new investors to inject new monies into the club. This agreement will be concluded as soon as possible but no later than the end of this year.

"The club at the moment is facing three very important events, all at the same time:

1. Getting the best possible stadium under way
2. Keeping our possible promotion push going
3. Taking care of our long term debts

"The new investors can deliver all three. They have the muscle to do it. These people have the Club's interest at heart and have acknowledged the Club's massive potential. I am a man with strong financial clout but nevertheless nowhere near what is needed for the club to go forward.

Now it appears that Hammam is not agreeing to the takeover. A meeting at Ninian Park on Thursday proved fruitless with claims that Hammam walked out. A deadline is said to have been put to Hammam of midday today.

It's claimed that if Sam fails to agree to the takeover today then the club could be put into administration.

The future of the club looked rosy with the council approving the stadium, the debt restructured and the team doing well on the pitch.

Now within weeks the very future of the club hangs in the balance. It needs Hammam's agreement to allow the club to move forward but it looks as if Sam is not prepared to let it go so easily despite his words in October.

There has been no official comment from any of the parties in the last 24 hours but it's thought that if a deal cannot be reached the club could be very soon in administration. That would mean a 10 point deduction and the probable loss of players and manager.

It appears to be boiling down to what benefits Sam Hammam will get from the deal. As fans all we want is the right thing for the club. Let's hope the parties can put aside ego's and greed and settle the situation leaving the club with a future.